IoT for Asset Tracking and Monitoring

Achieve 10x Speed at Scale with In-Memory Data Grid

Real-Time KPI dashboard with Stream Processing and Analytics

Streaming and Real-Time Processing
You have a question that data can answer. You can’t wait until the end of the month, week, or even day to pull a standard report. You need to be able to continuously collect, query, and analyse your company’s performance data in real-time. We provide a flexible, customized line of services that bring real-time analytics to your company. We can provide complex event processing, real-time streaming analytics, and many more critical big data functions.
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Development
You have an idea for a killer new application. It solves a big problem for a lot of people, and you know it offers tremendous business opportunity. One problem— before you can launch, you first need to raise funds to fully develop your application and the startup around it. We quickly build cost-effective MVP applications that founders can use to demonstrate their concept to investors, and we can extend existing small startup apps to drive additional rounds of funding.

Schedule a Consultation Meeting to Discuss your Problem
You help us understand your problem and we will work with you to define a right fit solution for you
Reach out to schedule your consultation. We will walk through your entire project, define clear requirements, and set a concrete scope for your solution. We will answer any questions you have, and share some methodologies that will drive your project to success.
We believe that a Solution should either Solve an existing problem or pre-empt the occurence of a new problem. Either ways, we try and envisage current and existing problems to create suitable solutions for a long term benefit for your investments.
We believe that a Solution should either Solve an existing problem or pre-empt the occurence of a new problem. Either ways, we try and envisage current and existing problems to create suitable solutions for a long term benefit for your investments.